Italian for fun taster session
Come and meet your teacher, other learners and enjoy a drink and a chat about our innovative teaching method and materials which will get you chatting confidently in Italian in no time at all!
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Come and meet your teacher, other learners and enjoy a drink and a chat about our innovative teaching method and materials which will get you chatting confidently in Italian in no time at all!
More details coming soon.
We could really do with your help again in order to get The Hall ready for the ignite theatre festival. You don't need to bring anything just wear scruffy clothes. Excellent change to see The Hall, see progress meet some other of The Hall's members who are all wonderful.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy warm clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei. If you have a specific trade or expertise, please do let me know.
Help! This Saturday 16th 10am The Hall Exeter is about to be transformed. The Sandblasting of the walls starts next week- its going to be pretty dramatic. Please Help us move stuff about, take last bits out, there is quite allot to do. Usually coffee and cake provided. We will be there from 10am till 4. Always a friendly crowd.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
The outside is done, the inside is stripped. We now need to clear The Hall to allow the walls to be sandblasted. Please help us take all the remaining junk down to the trailer so it can go to the tip. Nothing too strenuous but there's quite allot to get out.
As usual, please wear sturdy shoes and scruffy clothes. If you've never been before, come and see what we're up to and meet some other members, they're all lovely. Come on your own or with friends..
If you have a car with a trailer, even better. We'll be taking everything to the recycling centre in Marsh Barton.
My Phone number is 079 4646 8447 - Alexei
Please comment here if you can come, so we know how many to expect.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
General help out day. You don't need any tools. Bring gloves and scruffy clothes. You will not be working at height or lifting heavy things. More likely: painting, cleaning, sorting. If you want to check we are there on the day, please call 07946 468447, ask for Alexei.
We have kindly been offered free quick clip scaffolding. I am going to pick it up from Bristol on the 24th. I need 1 or 2 hands to come with me (3hour return trip) and a few more to help unload when we get back at about 2pm. If interested please let me know on 07946468447 or alexei@thehallexeter.org
For those of you that have offered to give us a hand or just fancy dropping in to see what's going on, these days are open for members.
Currently we are cleaning, sanding, removing.
We provide tools. Bring gloves if you want but we have some here too. Please do not bring electrical or any other tools, non-members or under 18s (only this time) or pets.. We will provide tea, coffee. There is an iPod/mp3 dock if you want to play music.
You can always call Alexei on the day on 07946 468447 to see where we are at with numbers or check we are still there.
We will begin pulling the internal partitions apart this weekend (Sat from 10am) Bring a hammer or crowbar. You don't have to help, you can just come and have a peek if you want. iPods/Flasks/Cakes are all welcome.